The JVenn Foundation was formed in 2015 to provide bursaries to students resident in the Hull area (that is, with an HU postcode) who are going on to study for a degree or other tertiary qualification in the UK. The Foundation also funds a number of extra-curricular activities in Hull schools.
If you meet the following conditions, you are eligible to apply here for substantial financial support through a bursary.
The conditions are:
The successful applicants will receive £6,000 each year while studying,
The bursary is payable each year in three instalments of £2,000, subject to ongoing evidence that you are continuing to study,
The bursary does not apply to post-graduate study.
Applications can only be made using the online system. Partially and fully completed forms can be saved, downloaded and printed before being submitted.
As we approach the closing date, we will send reminders to those who have started their application but are yet to submit it.
Besides JVenn, Ann Watson’s Trust and Help for Health also provide bursaries through this platform and all applications will be seen by both JVenn & Ann Watson’s. In addition, Help for Health will see applications from students planning to study a health-related subject.
All personal information applicants provide will be treated as strictly private & confidential and used by The JVenn Foundation, Ann Watson’s Trust and Help for Health solely for the purpose of awarding bursaries except when safe-guarding issues are raised.
For more information please see our presentation.
Applications are open until 16th May 2025
You must complete the bursary application form and submit it by Friday 16th May.
You can download a copy of these instructions from this page on the website. All the information you give us will be treated as Private & Confidential subject to any legal obligations imposed on The JVenn Foundation regarding safe-guarding or other issues.
You will be notified whether or not you have been short-listed for a bursary by Saturday 31st May. At the same time, we will send a form to your named Sponsor for them to complete a reference for you. Your sponsor should normally be one of your college tutors – it should not be a family member.
If you are short-listed for a bursary you will be invited for a short interview (15 -20 minutes) at an office in Queen’s Gardens around Friday 20th June. We will let the short-listed candidates know what evidence of eligibility they need to bring along to the interview. This might, for example, be the most recent statement from the DWP regarding their parents’ benefits or medical evidence of disability.
All the short-listed candidates will be notified as soon as possible as to whether they have been awarded a bursary or not.
Discuss the application with your tutor before submitting it.
Take careful note of the instructions & guidance.
We do not recommend the use of AI to complete the application. Applications that have used AI tend to lack personality - dare we say it, they seem “artificial” and if you are fortunate enough to be short-listed you will be asked questions about the information in your application form.
The first part of the application form asks for this information:
From time to time the JVenn trustees will seek confirmation from your university or college that you are continuing to study there.
The JVenn trustees will try to accommodate the changing needs of the students. If students have to retake a year, switch courses or take a year’s break they must reapply for an extension to their bursary payments. This will not be granted automatically and in no circumstances will a second extension be granted.
We request that bursary students participate in the JVenn community by writing blogs and by actively participating in our September awards evenings.
The application form which will be available online from Monday 10th March asks for some basic information about you such as your contact details, your eligibility for a bursary, what you are currently studying and what you are planning to study in the future. It also asks you to tell us more about yourself including the challenges that you have faced and overcome and why you have chosen the courses you wish to follow. The specific questions we ask are:
Why you have chosen the course you have. (For example, for how long you have been interested in this area of study, whether it is something you have a natural aptitude for or how it will help you meet your aspirations.)
You should also say something about the reasons behind your choice of university or college.
Please tell us about the career path, or paths, you have in mind for when you have graduated.
Some of you may have an absolutely clear career path set out in your mind and, in that case, it would be interesting to understand your thinking. Others will have an open mind about their future but many of you will consider that your future studies will leave you with a range of options.
Please tell us about any difficult situations in your earlier or current life that you have faced and how you have managed or overcome them.
For some of you, life will have thrown up quite severe or persistent difficulties requiring you to draw on reserves of strength. You may have been helped by a particular person or persons. Many of you will have had a fairly secure and happy upbringing so tell us about that. And for some of you there may be one particular incident you would like to mention.
Can you say what the bursary would allow you to do while at university/college which you would struggle to do otherwise?
This might be to help you with travel, field study or IT costs for example or you may incur additional expenses if you are disabled. Or you may have some need particular to yourself.
What volunteering or part-time work do you currently do and what have you done over the last few years? How has this helped you? Tell us about any sports, cultural or other activities you take an active part in and how these have helped you.
Remember the final point regarding how your involvement has helped you.
We strongly advise you to discuss your approach to these questions with a tutor at your college who has experience with helping students with their applications.
If you have any questions that one of your colleagues or your tutor cannot answer please email